My name is Nadia and I am 24 years old. I have decided to write a blog, for two reasons; to help anyone that might be having similar experiences, and simply to help myself cope. I am hoping if there is anyone that is suffering or going through a trauma that this blog might show them that they can get through it. Even when you feel like giving up, try to keep fighting.
A few months had passed since I got my appendix out and an ovarian cyst drained. Something just didn't feel right as I didn't feel the relief that I thought I would. I noticed that I was getting a very heavy feeling on my right side. I especially noticed it when I was at work as my job is very active. Obviously, I was googling I became convinced that I had symptoms of ovarian cysts. I always suffered with my stomach anyway, and I occasionally had a feeling of bloatedness and just heaviness. But it had gotten progressively worse, I was now vomiting, my appetite was starting to go... I just knew I had to get it sorted. I had a holiday planned with my boyfriend and I was so excited for it as it would be our first holiday together.
I made it my mission to go to the doctors, I explained how I was feeling and that I was convinced it was an ovarian cyst. I told him I was so desperate to get this sorted that I would even pay to go to a private hospital if it means it will get me seen sooner. He advised that I go for an ultrasound to see exactly what was going on. I went to a private hospital and within a few days I had my appointment. It was a few days after my appointment and I still wasn't after hearing anything about my results meanwhile my pain was getting worse. I kept ringing the doctors and asking would he call me back and I was told he would but I didn't hear anything. I thought to myself ok enough is enough, so I explained the situation to my manager in work and he said I could leave early and he wished me luck. I said goodbye to everyone in work and told them I would probably be back in work in a few days. How wrong I was.
I drove to the doctors and asked him what the results of the ultrasound were. He told me it looked like an ovarian cyst on my right ovary just as I thought. I asked him would he write me a letter of referral for the hospital so I could get seen straight away and he did. He handed me the letter and the results of my ultra sound and I left and drove home to tell my mother and my boyfriend. He told me he would leave work to bring me to the hospital so I took the offer. He arrived and I said goodbye to everyone, I hugged my little brother and sister and I hugged my mam while half crying. My sister and boyfriend were laughing at me saying I was being 'dramatic' and my mam kept saying 'be brave Nadia, be brave' . I wasn't prepared for how brave I was going to have to be.
My boyfriend dropped me off to the hospital and I kissed him goodbye. I had a cigarette before I went in to the hospital because at the time I was a big smoker. I was seen almost straight away by the gynecologist and handed them my letter with the results of the ultra sound. They told me that the ultrasound showed I had a 7cm ovarian cyst. I was seen by a few other nurses and I was asked a lot of questions about how I was feeling. I knew if I wanted this to get sorted as soon as possible I would have to be dramatic about how I was feeling and I was prepared to do that. Each person that saw me asked me to lie on a bed so they could feel my stomach and I told them where the pain was. They advised that they didn't think it was an emergency and that they would do it in August which was about 2 weeks away. I told them that wasn't possible as I was due to go on holidays in a few days! They agreed to do the surgery and told me that they added me to the emergency list. They admitted me into hospital and I awaited my surgery the following day.
I woke up in the hospital bed, today was the day. I was finally going to have this sorted, no more pain, no more vomiting, I was so excited. I was told I was on the emergency list so I would be seen straight away, which I was excited for as I had been fasting since midnight for surgery and I was really hungry. The nurse came in and handed me my gown for the surgery. A doctor arrived and began to list out the risks of the surgery and I signed the consent form. I then just lay in bed waiting for my name to be called.
Read the next instalment in Part 2: A Knock on Death's Door