My Story Part 5 - No More Surgeries

Eventually my eyes opened and I was in a room that I didn't recognise. There was a metal wire holding my mouth open and my head straight. I could not close my mouth or talk, and feeling around with my hands, I discovered a wide tube running into my mouth…

My Story Part 4 - A Risky Environment

The weeks where I was not eating due to Paralytic ileus, there was a lot was happening. I was hooked up to IV antibiotics for most of the day and night. At times during the day I was disconnected for various reasons, for things like having a wash, which was…

My Story Part 3 - Worst Case Scenario

When I woke up post-op, I was very groggy and sore. I was in the High Dependency Unit (HDU), which is a ward for patients that require more intensive observation and nursing care than a regular ward. I was still struggling to breathe and my lungs were sore. I felt…

My Story Part 2 - A Knock On Death's Door

The time came where they called me down for surgery, I was nervous but I kept telling myself to be calm, what could go wrong, right? They wheeled me down to the Theatre Room in the hospital bed where they put a cannula in my hand (to ease the access…

My Story Part 1

My name is Nadia and I am 24 years old. I have decided to write a blog, for two reasons; to help anyone that might be having similar experiences, and simply to help myself cope. I am hoping if there is anyone that is suffering or going through a trauma…